Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

Tonight we enjoyed seeing much of our extended family. There were several that couldn't be with us this year, but it was great to see so many others. I'd like to send a special Hello to my girl; Susan. She gets to have Thanksgiving in California with her In-laws and is also going to Disneyland. How fun.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Bonneville shoreline trail

At about noon Joe and I drove up to a trail head that began across the road from Hogle Zoo. We went for a walk on a trail that went behind the Pioneer State park. It also went behind U of U and cut through Red Butte gardens. The trail was dry and dusty, but it did have a nice view of the City in places.
We think this trail may be good in the winter, since it stays low on the hillside.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Bell Canyon in November

Well, here I am fresh from another hike. Actually I'm pooped and glad to be sitting. Joe got off work early today. We took advantage of a pretty descent day for November. We still needed to wear sweaters when we got higher on the mountain. At one point we walked into a frost zone. I could see my breath in the air.
Some of the trail was really easy, but like on most of our hikes we got to struggle over large boulders. I guess that just adds to the adventure.
There was one area that was still quite black from a forest fire this summer. It was kind of strange. One side of the trail was burned out while the other side was untouched and just fine. The trail was only about a foot wide.
We're lucky to have so many trails just a few minutes drive from our home. We're trying to use this great asset.
Even after winter hit's we should still be able to use the Bonneville trail on some days' . That one is low on the hillside.