Today I went on a lunch date with my mom and dad. First I got to their house at about 11:00. They live on a beautiful mountainside above Salt Lake City. We visited in their living room until it was time to go eat. We drove to a place called Quans. It's a Chinese food restaurant in the basement of an office building. It's next door to the well known Eagle Gate Apartments.
This seems to be a favorite lunch place for the Church office workers. Today our timing was excellent or it was a slow day for the restaurant. We practically had the place to ourselves.
Since almost nobody else was there, I thought it would be a fine chance to take a picture of mom and dad (before they had food in their mouths). As expected (in a basement) these pictures are dark, but still okay.

The food was good. I tried a little of everything this time. Then for dessert I had a little salad and some fruit; slices of pineapple, orange, and pear.
After lunch we meandered a bit through mom and dads neighborhood, looking at some houses and then we went home. Mom and I sat on the front porch for awhile. It's this awesome long porch that has a gorgeous view. The best part about the porch, I have discovered, is that it gets full sun and it's toasty warm along there, even on a cool day with snow on the ground. We soaked up the rays and I think I even have some color in my cheeks this evening. I've been turning lilly white this winter.
This Spring they're going to take me for a drive up Farmington Canyon. They were surprised that I've never been up there. I'm personally surprised that there's anything left around this valley that I haven't done yet, so I'm looking forward to it. We want to wait until the trees are green and the wildflowers are up again.
What's the big deal about Farmington Canyon you say? Well, my great grandpa ran cows up there in the 1800's (that's history). Plus it's supposed to be pretty.
So, that's the report on my afternoon. It was more entertaining than most of my days. I got home around 4:30; so it's been a nice long day.