The morning after our Business trip to Las Vegas, Nevada (Wed.) we drove to Peoria Arizona to see our new Grand daughter (#4).
Our daughters house:

Playing at a little park that was close enough to walk to:
We also walked to where Emma gets on the school bus (School is out for summer now).
The kids posed on these rocks for me:
Here's the star of the show. This is three week old Claire.
Bath time:
Tiny and sweet:
Most of the time she was asleep, but here she has her eyes open:
We visited a couple of local splash parks. These are a big thing in AZ because of the extreme heat.
The Mommy playing with her kids (She's fun). Just for the record, the water is just at a drizzle here. When it gets turned back on the water will be pretty forceful.
Our daughter went to her public library really early on Friday morning. She got there a whole hour early just to be sure she got a culture pass to the Science Center in Phoenix for us.
Her patience paid off and she got four adults and two children into the Center for Free! The baby was automatically free and all we had to pay was $8. for one child. That was a super deal!
There were many interesting areas in the Science center. The only pictures I took were here in some little kids play area (Oh well):
On the way home from the Science center we stopped at the neatest place for Ice Cream. It was a 'hole in the wall' kind of place that combined the sale of food, ice cream and Antiques! The waitresses were dressed in 1950's costumes.
It was a very full week. Today we drove for 12 hours to get back to Utah. We went over Lees Ferry.
We saw 6 river rafts below us:
While crossing the Navajo lands I got some great jewelry. On the trip I also got a great Western style purse. I feel just a bit spoiled.
We stopped for lunch at Jacob Lake. It's one of our routine stops.
Behind the restaurant are little cabins that people can rent. This is a somewhat popular stop along the road and it's not too far from the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.

I'm proud to admit that I did most of the driving. I like to drive.