We stayed at the 'Rivers Edge' in the Heber area in a cabin.
Joe found a half price deal through groupon.
The cabin had hot showers, full refrigerator, stove, and microwave.
This creek was just a few steps away:
On this first day we played with our fishing poles out on the Jordanelle reservoir:
Joe untangled my fishing line, which required getting a little wet.
I had been out there too!
While at the cabin we had visitors;
Two friendly Sandhill Cranes looking for a handout.
I gave them some raisins.
They came by each morning and evening.
On our last morning the bigger bird snapped a few pieces of bread out of my hand.
His big beak was a little intimidating.
On day two we went for a drive into the mountains.
We stopped at Provo River Falls:
We walked around Mirror Lake:
On day three (our last day) we went back to the Mirror lake area and got on a trail.
We went about 6-7 miles.
Along the way we came to this nice place called Bonny Lake.
Our end point was this big meadow, where we had a snack before going back:
The tail end of our hike took us through a little rain, but it wasn't too bad.
We drove home after that.