Joe and I went back to the gardens at Thanksgiving point. This time many of the Tulips were up. We bought ourselves a season pass, so now we have a nice place to take walks. The pass allows us to take guests in for half price. An adult guest will be $5. and children , 3 and over, are only about $2. with our pass. If needed, there are several modes of transportation for rent.: children's wagons, motorized wheelchairs (there are a couple of styles), large strollers, golf carts and we even saw some people on some crazy motorized Segways. Those looked weird. We prefer getting our exercise, but some people can't do that.
We noticed that there's also a separate children's garden with a separate entrance. We don't know what's in there and that part's not open yet. It has it's own large building. Maybe, it has some educational stuff for kids. That would be good.
I look forward to seeing the trees fill with leaves and more flowers.
In the main building, where we bought our pass, there's a sign that tells how much is in bloom in the gardens. It's so early in the year, that it's only at 25%. So it's just going to get better and better in there.

Here is where three streams, combine and fall down a deep hole.

A few of the Tulips, here in the fore ground.

Yellow Daffodils and some Tulips that are still closed.