Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Knitted baby blanket

I was asked to post a picture of my baby blanket when I was done knitting. Here it is. Don't ask me how long it took; I lost track. Let just say it took a pretty long time. Since it's double sided, it has about 11, 600 stitches. No that's not a typo.
I really should have pressed it a bit before taking a picture, but oh well; who really cares. I'm just glad to be done. I'll press it later.

Here it is spread out on my table. This blanket is really getting the star treatment. I just want a record of it before I give it away.

Here's a super close up shot. I have to admit, the row's are tight and straight. I've come a long way in my basic skills. I even learned a new way to bind off the work. This way leaves a very clean edge. It makes me want to go back and fix all my rag tag endings on my first projects. I guess that's how we learn though.

I consider myself an intermediate knitter now. I'll be able to say I'm advanced after I master patterns and texture. I'm ready to do that with my next project.
Oh yes, there will be more; just let me take a little break first.
This blanket is for my new baby niece; Brad and Stacy's baby. They don't know about it and they don't see my Blogs because they don't use a computer. At least that's my understanding.
I'll get it to them one of these day's.

1 comment:

Dadoo said...

It is so thick it could be used as a rug, good job Lesa!