Our son (Aaron) came up from the great land of Provo to help with the celebration. Our daughter (Sarah) took charge of the kitchen and turned out a beautiful dinner. Although I do understand that Aaron grilled the Steaks.
For dinner we had Baked Asparagus, wild rice, and Steak. There was also homemade salsa and chips.
Joe requested Sarahs famous Raspberry Trifle dessert, instead of the traditional birthday cake. It was rich and delicious.
Our oldest daughter (Susan) lives in Arizona. She sent him a wonderful box of goodies and a picture of her new baby (Jacob).

I've roped Joe (alias; dad/dadoo) into fishing with me this summer and we're both getting better equipped for this latest hobby.
Here he is with a big ol' net. We have high hopes; either that or delusions of granduer.
He also got a scary fishing knife. It's so scary that I don't even want to show a picture of it. Thank goodness it came with a sturdy sheath.

Aaron is the real fisherman in the family. He learned as a scout and has had additional experiences since then.
Here he is putting weights on his moms line, so he can show her how to cast. We all went out in the backyard and had lessons from Aaron.
He's quite a pro.

Cute Sarah with her brother:

The 'dad' has been going about sharing his sugary goodies and I can report that I can finally cast my fishing line; although I can't control it's direction whatsoever. I hooked the backyard tree limbs twice.
I have to add here, that on Friday evening the four of us attended the musical 'Wicked'. It was spectacular.
Hooray for dad's birthday! I'm glad he got the package I sent in time for his b-day. It's always nice to have more presents to open! :) I miss you guys - wish I could have been there - if I was, I'd have eaten all the trifle by now. ;)
Thanks to all for the wonderful day, it was perfect!
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