First we ate and then we explored the pioneer village. The thought of getting on rides after eating wasn't to appealing so we took our time.

I went on this flying swing ride with my son and daughter. It's fairly gentle and I have always thought it was tolerable.

Right after the swing ride we made a bee line for the most intense roller coaster in the park. It's called Wicked and it's well named. It takes you straight up and straight down and if that's not enough, it does a looping action that turns you upside down. At the end of this post are brief videos of it
That was enough for me though and I didn't do any more riding after that.
Joe, Aaron and Sarah then went on another roller coaster called the Fire Dragon. That involved more spinning and hanging upside down.
Aaron and Sarah then went on the Cliff Hanger. The ride only performed some of what it normally does. They were disappointed that it never hung them upside down over the big water spouts like it's supposed to. Still, it seemed interesting enough without that.
Their dad went with them on the bumper cars, but dropped out with me when our two adventurous children got on the Samuri. That was so intense to watch. I can't imagine being on that thing.
Here are Aaron and Sarah waiting in line for the Samuri. It was the last ride of the evening.
We were in the park from about 6:00 p.m -10:00p.m. That's when it closed.

1 comment:
oh boy- it's been years and years and years since i have been to lagoon and they definitely didn't have those rides there then. I can't believe you went on that wicked ride mom! You are so fun - but I can see why that did you in... it probably would have done the same for me. THANKS for posting the little videos and getting some pics taken. What a fun night for you guys- you are probably tired this morning. :)
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