Saturday, January 8, 2011

Another Saturday

Our Saturday started with three hours of snow shoeing. We get out of the inversions by going up the canyons. The sun did pop out about three times up there.

I liked this cabin. It seems like a fantastic get away place:
(Remember to click on the pictures. They look best enlarged)

Just trudging along and enjoying the surroundings:

Big ol' pine trees:

After our morning of exercise, we caught a movie at the Mega Plex. I had a movie gift card from Christmas, so we went to see True Grit. That was a really good show. If it comes out on DVD I just might get it.

1 comment:

Susan said...

What a fun Saturday! Snowshoeing and a movie! That's great. Ben's been wanting to see that movie too... we've been hearing it's really good. Glad you had fun!