We should have known better than to go to such a local spot on the 4th. There was a mob of people up there because of a HUGE church party. We also got caught in their parade later when we tried to leave. There's a narrow one way road that loops around at the end of the road and that's where the parade was happening; I have to say it was stressful for those of us not involved because it's the only way out. There were dozens of other cars in the same predicament. So much for trying to relax!
Anyway, back to the beginning of this exciting story; when we got to our dock, Sarah pulled her book out. Once I saw fish swimming out from under the dock, she got interested and gave the fishing a try.

The people on the other side of this mountain pond where pulling out lots of fish. It got rather annoying to hear the frequent shouts, cheers and laughter with every success. We would have gone over there, but that dock was full up with happy anglers.
Our dock was undoubtedly cursed. Either that, or it may have been all of the cute but very noisy children surrounding us.

There were lots of people and small children. Then it turned cold when the sun went behind some clouds. With all of this we didn't stay very long and determined to come back on Wednesday or Thursday morning when we will have the place more or less to ourselves.

We did get to watch a hawk dive for fish. He caught two! There are always ducks around there and we had the added bonus of seeing a deer on the way home. Sometimes we've seen moose in the area but with all the people in the hills today I'm sure most of the animals were hiding.

I don't know what the rest of the day will bring. I may go for a walk since fishing doesn't give me any exercise. It just gets me out of the house.
For good measure, here's the baking I did yesterday. I've been making all of our bread for awhile now. On average I make 6 loaves of bread each week and maybe some cookies or pie besides that.

1 comment:
I like mallard duck, here's hoping you and Sarah catch fish this week.
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