We drove up a narrow and steep dirt road. Near the top of the mountains we began to see fields of flowers.

This is looking West. I was surprised to see a little town down there:
Me standing in front of a patch of snow that has made it to the middle of July:

My Dad:

This is looking East. We are so high up! I understand that my brother (Brad) has gone off this cliff with his hang glider. That sounds so amazing and fun (also a little frightening!).

I had to get some close up pictures of these pretty flowers. I'll go back and look at them this winter when I'm a shut in.

Mom taught me the names of some of the flowers. If I got it right; the purple ones are Lupine, the big yellow ones are Marsh mallow, and there were some little yellow flowers called Snow and Summer. I hope I got that right.

After our nice drive, Dad took us to Quans for lunch. That's a Chinese food place in Salt Lake City. I'd say this was a good summer day. It's the way summer should be spent. I felt sorry for everyone that was at work while I got to go see flowers.
What a beautiful outing!! The flowers are lovely!
Such good photography, thanks for sharing
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